
About Me

My name is Diane. I have an awesome husband, two awesome kids that I get to stay home with every day, and I'm a noob vegetarian! I decided to go veggie in April 2011.  I remember it was a couple weeks before Easter, because I went to Easter dinner and thought, "Wow! How am I going to do this? EVERYTHING has meat in it!"

I could go in to detail about the reasons why I decided to give up eating meat, but there are a number of them, and they pretty much fall along the lines of the typical ones you hear from most vegetarians, so why bore you with them? My big thing, being a noob vegetarian, was re-learning how to cook, tasty, satisfying meals without the help of an entire food group! I have always loved to cook, but cooking with beef, chicken, and turkey had always been a big part of my repertoire, so what was I to do now?

Slowly, but surely, I've been learning how to take some of my old favorite "carnivore" recipes and transforming them in to delicious meat-free dishes, and I've also discovered NEW foods I had never heard of or worked with before becoming a vegetarian.

Hopefully, the recipes I post, will help other noob vegetarians find something to make for dinner tonight! :-)